Donate to Silver Creek in 2025!

Duty to Report

Every person in Ontario is required under the Child and Family Services Act to report his/her belief that a child may be in need of protection. The legislation specifically requires individuals who perform professional or official duties with respect to children to report suspicions of child abuse. If in the course of their professional duties, any staff at Silver Creek have reasonable grounds to suspect that a child may have been abused, this must be reported immediately to a Children’s Aid Society. It is the responsibility of the child protection agency to investigate and follow up on the situation, as necessary.

Anti-Racism Policy

Silver Creek Pre-School is committed to providing racially sensitive and culturally appropriate services within our mandate of serving children with special needs in a pre-school setting.

Silver Creek realizes that ethno-racial and linguistic diversity enriches and strengthens our community socially and culturally, and that racism creates barriers for children, families and communities.

Our programs are continually changing to promote and respect the beliefs, values, and practices of all children and families. Curriculum practices in our child care program will actively promote an anti-racist approach.

Staff have the opportunity to take on-going anti-racism training through courses and literature.

Where possible, Silver Creek will provide or seek out translation and interpreter services to enhance access to and understanding of our program and services for children and families.

Anti-Racism Policy (Continued)

Each employee’s right to a racism-free work environment will be respected. Each child and parent who accesses Silver Creek has a right to a racism-free environment. Silver Creek has in place policies and procedures to ensure that discrimination and harassment are dealt with and resolved. All people must be treated equally, regardless of their race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, and mental or physical ability.

Please note that a binder is in the entrance hallway to Silver Creek where you will find a number of school policies that all staff members sign off on and follow. As well the policies that parents must adhere to are found in this binder. Recent school inspections from the City of Toronto, Public Health, and the province can also be viewed here. Our license from the Province is displayed on the wall in the entrance way and our licensing summary results are also shown.

A new Parent Handbook is prepared each school year. The Parent Handbook is posted on the Silver Creek website If someone does not have access to the internet, a hard copy will be provided. If during the school year there are revisions made to the Parent Handbook, all parents will be notified by email or provided a hard copy.