Our School
Our Goals
Quite simply, we want each child at Silver Creek to be the best he or she can be. The best way for us to help is to provide an enriched and nurturing environment. Reflecting the multicultural diversity of our community, the school offers an environment that stimulates the children and their desire to learn during their important early years. We take a holistic approach to our program which encompasses all aspects of growth – cognitive, social, emotional, physical and language. Please read our Program Statement for further information on how we support the children and parents.
Who Attends Silver Creek
Children between 18 months of age through kindergarten living in the Greater Toronto Area attend our half day program, Monday through Thursday. Children attend either the AM or PM program. Although primarily a school for children with special needs, the school has been enrolling any child who wants our setting since 1985. Children are referred by community agencies, therapists, pediatricians, rehab centres, hospitals and individual parents. Referrals are welcomed from any source. Approximately 80% of the children who attend Silver Creek have a special need.
The Program
At Silver Creek we don’t have just one program. Rather, we develop customized programs based on individual assessment to assist each child to achieve his or her maximum potential.
What makes our program at Silver Creek unique is that therapy, physio and/or occupational treatment, music, and speech and language services, where needed, is provided within the classroom setting. Our philosophy is that therapy is an integral part of the children’s day – not an exercise program of a specific length, but rather a matter of proper handling, movement, seating and expectations throughout daily routines and play. We are working towards optimum independence in self-help skills and community living for our children. This integration of services allows your child to continue improving his/her gross motor, fine motor, communication and daily living skills under the guidance of these professionals while enjoying the play, pre-academic and social setting with peers. There is also opportunity for individual and small group therapy while at Silver Creek.
Again this year one of our afternoon classrooms is exclusively for 3.5 & 4+ year olds who are benefiting from a school readiness program that focuses on more routines, transitions, and expectations of a JK/SK environment. We strongly expect those returning to Silver Creek as 4+ year olds to attend in the afternoon, so that our very young children can have a morning spot.
Most of the children settle into the program very quickly. However, if there are a few tears and some separation anxiety on your part or your child’s, the classroom teacher will help you both through this transition. It is usually best to give your child a quick hug and kiss goodbye, tell him/her you will see him/her soon, and leave. The same routine would also apply if your child is bused to school.
We are more than happy to celebrate your child’s birthday with his/her new friends at school. You are welcome to send in a birthday cake, cupcakes, cookies, Rice Krispy Squares, etc.
Please remember –
No Nuts!
This year we have children with intolerances that include: gluten, dairy, and soy. Ingredients must be listed on anything sent into the school.
Each child has a basket above their coat hook in the school hall. Parents who drive their children are encouraged to check these bags regularly and take their child’s “work” home. The classroom teacher will send bags home periodically for the children who are bused. School photo proofs will also go into this basket.