Speech and Language
Communication Services
Communication in all forms is supported at Silver Creek. Services include assessment, consultation, monitoring and individualized programming support provided by trained specialists. Children’s transition to kindergarten is facilitated at all skill levels. The speech and language team works alongside families and teachers to ensure that communication skills are at the forefront of learning – in the home environment, the classroom, and beyond. Programming includes Boardmaker™ and picture symbols, concrete representations, sign language, assistive technology and spoken language. Courses in Signed Exact English are offered annually.

Silver Creek families can access their Preschool Speech and Language (PSL) services onsite through a partnership with Early Abilities* (the City of Toronto’s Preschool speech and language program).
A registered Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) and Communicative Disorders Assistant (CDA) work at Silver Creek Preschool 3 days per week to provide a wide range of communication supports and services.
*Children registered with PSL services outside of the city of Toronto are eligible to transfer their services to Early Abilities while they attend Silver Creek preschool.
Children already receiving services through Early Abilities are eligible to transfer their services onsite to Silver Creek.