Donate to Silver Creek in 2025!

Board of Directors

Silver Creek Centre for Early Learning & Development, which operates as Silver Creek Pre-School, is a licensed not-for-profit organization with charitable status.

Silver Creek Centre for Early Learning & Development corporation is run by a volunteer Board of Directors. The Executive Director is responsible for the administration of the Pre-School on a daily basis, under the advisory direction of the Board.

The Board of Directors, elected annually, consists of eleven members and a financial advisor. The corporation conforms to all regulations contained in the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014/ Ministry of Education Licensing requirements, and the City of Toronto Operating Criteria.

The Board meets approximately ten times a year to make decisions and provide direction about the operations of the Centre. We are indebted to these volunteers who continue to make decisions and do the hard work to make sure that Silver Creek remains a leader in the early education and therapeutic progress of young children.

We conduct an Annual General Meeting, the 2nd Tuesday of June. All are welcome to attend this open meeting.

Volunteer Work

We celebrate our many volunteers who do hands-on work in the classroom and at the school:

  • 22 consistent volunteers help in the classrooms
  • 1 volunteer helps with building maintenance
  • 11 volunteer members comprise the Board of Directors
  • 1 Volunteer Coordinator, Silvia Pollinzi, recruits, helps orient, and trains new volunteers
  • 1 volunteer on the Gardening & Playground
  • Maintenance Committee
  • 2 volunteers make up the Photo Committee

We estimate that we are receiving 3100 hours of support each year. This would equate to 2 full-time employees!

If you would like to volunteer please apply online.

  • You must be over 18 yrs. of age
  • Must have a valid Vulnerable Sector Police Check (we can help you with this)
  • Immunizations must be up to date and proof provided

Enroll at Silver Creek