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Parent’s Role

We feel that it is fundamental to each child’s growth and development at Silver Creek that parents stay involved. To best meet their needs it is important that staff and parents communicate with each other and work closely together on an ongoing basis. The parents also meet with the staff formally twice a year to discuss the child’s progress and individual program plan. Parents are encouraged to accompany their children on special outings, join in the Parent in the Classroom program, and Parent Education Workshops. The welcome mat is always out!

It is also imperative that parents keep us advised of changes to:

  • -their address
  • -home, work or cell phone numbers
  • -emergency contact numbers
  • -babysitter addresses and phone numbers
  • -medication, or any other health concerns

Up-to-date Emergency information is essential to ensure the safety and well-being of your child.

Parent’s Code of Conduct

Maintaining a warm, nurturing environment for children, parents and staff is a mutual effort. As information about children is shared, we expect both staff and parents to keep honest and respectful lines of communication open.

Just as there are expectations for appropriate staff conduct, there are also expectations for appropriate parent conduct:

The following behaviours are not acceptable. The school reserves the right to terminate any child whose parent violates this code of conduct.

  1. Using derogatory, degrading or offensive language when speaking with staff, children or other parents
  2. Using violence or acting in any way that causes staff, children or other parents to feel threatened
  3. Quarreling with other parents or staff
  4. Preventing or interfering with staff doing their job
  5. Violating our confidentiality policy – talking to parents about other children or parents
  6. Physical or verbal punishment of your children or other children while at school

This policy is in your registration package and must be signed prior to your child’s enrolment at Silver Creek. It is point #12 on the Intake package sign off sheet.

This is a reciprocal agreement as Staff, Volunteers and students on placement also must follow Silver Creek’s Code of Conduct and Behaviour Management policies.