Donate to Silver Creek in 2025!

Individualized Programs to Meet Your Child’s Needs

Structured within an early childhood classroom setting, therapeutic services are designed to support participation within a group. This unique combination of education coupled with therapy, supports the developmental needs of all children.

Adaptations and individualized program empowers each child to participate in their own unique way. Adaptions, modifications and experiences support the child in reaching their fullest potential while maintaining the dignity of being a child at play.

Families play a key role in their child’s success during the early years. Our families are the most important people and advocates in their child’s lives and are not excluded from this process. Support to families is provided through our Parent Support Program where families learn from one another, engage in small workshops that are relevant to their daily lives and receive a supportive ear when necessary.

Our program is inclusive of the well-being for not only the child but the family as a whole.

Physio & OT

At Silver Creek, children can receive occupational therapy and/or physiotherapy services depending on your child’s need.

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Music Therapy

Music therapy sessions include singing, listening, moving, playing and creative activities, to enhance your child's love of learning.

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Speech & Language

Silver Creek families can access their Preschool Speech and Language services onsite through a partnership with Early Abilities.

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Family-centred programming welcomes parents into the process and provides information about the school and educational community. 

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Classrooms are set up daily with developmentally appropriate activities, creating an exciting and secure learning environment

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Ongoing Support

Our philosophy places therapy as an integral part of your child’s educational day. It is not merely an exercise program allocated during specific days, but rather, a matter of proper handling, movement, seating, sensory experiences, communication and cognitive expectations – developmentally appropriate – throughout daily routines and play. We work towards optimum independence through the inclusion of self-help skills and integrated community living for our children. In our family-centred practice, school readiness is a long-term goal for all children. Ongoing support for our families is provided by Silver Creek’s team, ensuring the proper next steps are taken for further educational placement.

This integration of services allows your child to continue improving his/her gross motor, fine motor, communication and daily living skills under the guidance of professionals while enjoying the play, pre-academic and social setting with peers. We accept children who are 18 months of age through kindergarten. Our program runs Monday through Thursday as a half day program. Children attend either the AM or PM program.

Enroll at Silver Creek